What is JSON?
JSON is short form for JavaScript Object Notation and it is a data serialization format.
In short forms, you can store data with it.
There are stuff that are called Indices, which are used to fetch the data.
Examples for Indices
"name": "Abdullah",
"hobbies": ["Reading", "Coding", "Cycling"],
"Working On": "Writing a blog"
So this is a normal JSON object. Now we will try to get the value of the key "name".
We can do that by:
let object = require("data.json");
let name = object["name"]; // ["name"] gets the value of the key "name". That is what we call *Keys*
// Outputs: "Abdullah"
Above was a snippet of JavaScript code. It gets the JSON data from the file "data.json" and stores it inside object. Then we get the key: "name".
Array Indices
Array Indices work by specifying and index after the array name.
For Example:
// Outputs: "Reading"
Here we get the array name by typing object["hobbies"]
and then specify the index.
Remember, the indices always start from 0. So, if we want to get the first element in the array, we can write: object["hobbies"][0]
This is how JSON Indices work.
I know, it is not that hard what it seems, but sometimes it just doesn't come to our heads.